The rehabilitation of oiled seabirds is done by volunteers in various coastal bird centres in the Netherlands. In 1986, the Netherlands Society for the Protection of Birds and the Netherlands Society for the Protection of Animals founded a new working group, named ’Stichting Nationaal Comite Zeevogels Olievrij’ (Foundation National Committee Seabirds Free of Oil). The work of this group, the translation of literature dealing with oiled bird handling in captivity, the giving of advise for a better accommodation, the refunding of costs made during the rehabilitation of oiled seabirds following oiling incidents (or raising the money for refunding), is briefly described. It is recognized that the rehabiliation of oiled seabirds is not likely to solve the oil problem itself, but the rehabilitation centres may well serve as a warning to the public; clearly showing the result of oil pollution at sea. This might finally lead to more firm political pressure and effective measures to reduce pollution.