The preparatory working group on co-ordination of seabird research in the Netherlands announces the formation of the “Dutch Seabird Group”. The Seabird Group will be an amalgamation of the Dutch Seawatching Club (CvZ – Club van Zeetrekwaarnemers), the Dutch Beached Bird Survey (NSO – Nederlands Stookolieslachtoffer-Onderzoek) and a variety of other seabird disciplines. This multi-disciplinary group will replace the CvZ as a section of the Netherlands Ornithologists’ Union (NOU). The Seabird Group intends to develop new initiatives for co-operation between professional and amateur ornithologists in the Netherlands in existing and new research programs. An important requirement to such a co-ordinating body is that it supplies an efficient and regular exchange of information. This will be achieved by organising symposia and workshops, and by issuing the journal SULA Besides bringing seabird research to the attention of a wider public, these activities will stimulate co-operation between seabird workers. The Seabird Group also wants to promote foreign interest in Dutch research by supplying information and by functioning as a contact address. Although the official start of the Dutch Seabird Group will be on 1 January 1991, we should already like to attract your attention to this new group now. Membership of the group is open to foreign nationalities (fee is Dfl 30,= for 1991). The quarterly journal SULA is issued free to members. SULA offers publications on seawatching results and beached bird surveys as well as a growing number of other topical papers on seabirds and marine mammals. Foreign contributions to SULA are welcomed.