In Noord-Holland (NH) there were almost daily counts at Hondsbossche Zeewering (Hbz) and Egmond and Zee (Egm). However, many hours were also counted, but on a more irregular base, in Zuid-Holland (ZH) at Bloemendaal (Bloem), the Maasvlakte and Westkapelle. Tens of hours of seawatching were carried out at Ameland (Am) and Terschelling (Tersch). A very distinct peak in migration of Red-necked Grebes was noticed in NH during the second week of Oct. Almost a hundred birds were counted during this week. In the same period, Black-necked and Slavonian Grebes were seen in small numbers. Shags were remarkably frequent during the whole period (c. 30 records). In Aug, all records came from ZH, but in Sep/Oct all birds were observed between Bloem and Hbz. Fair numbers of Brent passed NH from 30 Sep (3430 →S, Hbz) till the first week of Oct. Easterly winds in Aug and the second half of Sep brought good numbers of waders like Snipe and Ringed Plover. On 16 Aug, 336 Snipe and 400 Ringed Plovers were seen at Hbz. On 30 Aug, 735 Ringed Plovers flew by at Hbz.