The annual report of the Dutch beached bird survey, with volunteer input from the Dutch seabird group, reports strandings of seabirds in summer 2007 (May-Oct) and in winter 2007/08 ( ov-Apr, the 32nd season since SO was founded in 1977. Common Guillemots and orthern Fulmars were numerous in early autumn 2007, but both species had wrecked rather than that they had suffered from (chronic) oil pollution. Over time, numbers of guillemots washing ashore in autumn have increased after about a decade with very few strandings. Most these birds are wing-moulting adults (mostly males) and developing chicks, some of which still in downy plumage. It is unclear what drives them to pass by the rich feeding grounds in the Frisian Front area, where these birds are known to gather and stage after the nesting season in Britain. Rarities in the summer surveys included Sooty and Manx Shearwaters, Sabine’s Gull and Black Tern. Winter surveys produced remarkably low densities of pelagic seabirds (except following the influxes of Pomarine Skuas and Little Auks in ovember). Common Guillemot densities were at an all-time low, with 51% contaminated with oil. The oil rate is as expected from the long-term declining trend, but it was rather higher than in the previous season. Rarities in winter were non-seabirds including Barn Owl and Wood Duck.

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Nederlandse Zeevogelgroep

C.J. Camphuysen. (2008). Olieslachtoffers en andere aangespoelde zeevogels langs de Nederlandse kust in 2007/08. Jaarverslag Nederlands Stookolieslachofferonderzoek. Sula, 21(3), 97–118.