Four juvenile, not fully grown Razorbills, collected in The Netherlands in the past, are present in the bird collection of the Netherlands Centre for Biodiversity Naturalis in Leiden (formerly National Museum of Natural History Naturalis). Such young Razorbills are absent from the bird collection in the Zoological Museum in Amsterdam. One downy chick was reported alive on the beach at Egmond, Noord-Holland, in 1914 (Verwey 1922), but is absent from these major bird collections. Up till now, together with two sightings in 2005 and 2009, only seven young Razorbills are known from Dutch waters. Based on the date of finding, three of the museum specimens found in late August are estimated to be fourty (one) and fifty (two) days old. This seems to be in accordance with the measurements. Based on the measurements and literature, the weight of Razorbills at the age of fifty days is estimated to be 400-500 gr.