During a ship-based survey a new breeding colony of Black-legged Kittiwakes was discovered on production platform K15-FC-1 (53°15’N; 03°45’E; c. 75 km west of Vlieland). The location is remarkable, as other breeding sites known to date are situated in less turbid waters north of the Frisian Front. This new colony is the first known site south the frontal zone. The colonisation of the (southern) North Sea seems to progress. Records of breeding birds on other platforms are much welcomed.


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Nederlandse Zeevogelgroep

Steve Geelhoed, Rob van Bemmelen, Guido Keijl, Mardik Leopold, & Hans Verdaat. (2011). Nieuwe kolonie Drieteenmeeuwen Rissa tridactyla in de zuidelijke Noordzee. Sula, 24(1), 27–30.