
Toegang tot tijdschriften over de Nederlandse natuur

In the Netherlands and in England numbers and flight area of the Silver-studded Blue butterfly (Plebejus argus L.) have decreased sharply. This decline has been caused firstly by disappeamace and fragmentation of the habitat. Secondly the quality of the remaining, often small and Isolated, locations has decreased. Based on the research In 1993 and 1994, some recommendations are given to manage the present locations. It seems to be important that early successional stages (with Erica tetralix and Sphagnum spp.) and later stages (with Molinea caerulea and Calluna vulgaris) are close together. In addition, bare ground is important for egg-laying. Large surfaces with only host plants and nectar plants are unsuitable. By cutting sods on a very small scale in later successional stages, the habitat remains suitable. In the larger areas extensive grazing might be sufficient.

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