
Toegang tot tijdschriften over de Nederlandse natuur

In the Netherlands the Grizzled Skipper (Pyrgus malvae) Is a rare species, occurring in two different habitats with tormentll (Potentllla erecta) as its main foodplant. The largest numbers are found in the coastal dunes of Zuld-Kennemerland (province North Holland). As little is known about the life of the Grizzled Skipper in this region, a survey was carried out in 1995. The habitat of the butterfly in the dunes consists of a vegetation of scattered bushes and poor grassland, which in springtime has a wide variety of nectar plants. It is assumed that the butterflies live in many small, isolated colonies. In Zuid-Kennemerland the principal foodplant appears to be dewberry (Rubus caesius), which has previously not been mentioned in Dutch literature. The small habitats are very vulnerable, and management measures like grazing and mowing should ensure that the Grizzled Skipper does not disappear from Zuld-Kennemerland.

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