While comparing the length of all the entire blades of the class of 10 mm with the length of negatives on cores, resulting from the last blade removed, we see that the basic blade blank mass has been carried away from the workshops. Basing on the results of analyses of Assemblages 1 and 3/1960, I have started to calculate the size of the output of both workshops and the quantities of blades carried away by the knappers. I have adopted the basic assumption that the per cent proportions of individual metric classes of blades obtained in each chipping series are very near to one another. Blades of metric classes of 60-70 mm and 70-80 mm form in workshop 1/1960 as much as 48% of the entire blades, and in workshop 3/1960 as much as 47.8% Blades from the last series, ascertained by blade negatives on cores of artifacts of those two classes, amount to 16% in the first assemblage and 14.6% in the second assemblage. Such a high number of them among the entire blades of both workshops have certainly resulted from the accumulation of artifacts from all the exploitation series of blades. Ergo – they were of no interest to knappers, and from the point of view of their requirements they were just waste material. While calculating the number of the removed blade series indispensable for accumulation of such a quantity of the shortest blades, I simultaneously calculated how many more blades were struck off the cores. Knowing the number of blades from the last series, as well as the multiplier, it is possible to draw up the formula of the size of workshop production. Deducting in both cases the number of blades left in the workshops, we can say that approximately 3900 blades were carried away from Workshop 1/1960, and approximately 3750 blades from Workshop 3/1960.