Er zit (weer) beekprik in de Hierdense Beek
RAVON , Volume 15 - Issue 2 p. 30- 35
Brook lamprey in the Hierdense Beek In 2011, a population of the Brook Lamprey (Lampetra planeri) was (re) discovered in the Hierdense Beek, an ecologically valuable brook situated in the northwest Veluwe in the centre of the Netherlands. The species was supposed to have become extinct in the nineteen sixties due to water pollution. However, there were a few records of adult brook lampreys in 1988 and 1999 indicating that the population was surviving. The present population was larger than expected from earlier research which has led to discussion about its origin. The water quality and habitat have gradually been improved, and there now seem to be sufficient spawning and larval habitats; these are situated in different parts of the brook. The water board Vallei en Veluwe has planned additional measures for supporting this particular population of Brook Lamprey.