Transporteren eenden vissen naar voortplantingswateren van amfibieën?
RAVON , Volume 16 - Issue 2 p. 31- 36
Do ducks act as vectors for the colonization of amphibian breeding sites by fish? Fish are often found in ponds that fish cannot colonize by themselves. A common explanation is that ducks may act as vectors because fish eggs may stick to their feet and ducks may therefore transport fish eggs and may facilitate colonization of ponds by fish. Here I review the evidence for the »duck transport fish« hypothesis. While there is some evidence that ducks might act as vectors and that fish eggs may survive transport, there is no evidence for the duck-mediated colonization of ponds by fish. Other explanations (i.e. vectors such as humans) are much more likely than ducks.
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CC BY 3.0 NL ("Naamsvermelding") | |
Organisation | RAVON |
Benedikt R. Schmidt. (2014). Transporteren eenden vissen naar voortplantingswateren van amfibieën?. RAVON, 16(2), 31–36. |