Field Identification of the Humpback Whale Het herkennen van de Bultrug Megaptera novaeangliae op zee
Huid en haar , Volume 8 - Issue 1 p. 27- 31
A description is given of field-characters of the Humpback Whale. This rare, but relatively well-known species of whale is rather easily recognized looking at the typical way of locomotion (showing the flukes frequently). The knobs (or ’protuberances’) on the head, which is broad and rounded, together with the step or hump in front of the dorsal fin are good (diagnostic) characteristics to use. The flukes are broad and j shaped. If the very long, nearly all-white, flippers can be seen any confusion is out of the question. The most important characteristics are illustrated in both the drawings and the photographs.
Aanvullende gegevens | |
Huid en haar | |
Organisatie | Stichting ter Bevordering van de Zoogdierbescherming en de Zoogdierstudie in de Benelux |
C.J. Camphuysen. (1989). Field Identification of the Humpback Whale Het herkennen van de Bultrug Megaptera novaeangliae op zee. Huid en haar, 8(1), 27–31. |