Zur Klassifikation des Eiablageverhaltens der Odonaten
Odonatologica , Volume 4 - Issue 3 p. 177- 183
Ovipositing behaviour in Odonata may be classified according to any of three independent sets of criteria, based on Central European species; the system may be worked out in more detail when tropical species are also considered. (1) Criteria based on functional morphology. Relationships between the ovipositing apparatus, the shape and the form of the eggs and the ways of depositing eggs: (a) a mobile, completely orthopteroid ovipositor for depositing longish eggs into relatively solid substrates, mostly plant tissue (ovipositor with or without supporting ridges on the lateral gonapophyses or on stemite 10), (b) ovipositor developed as a long rigid tube, used to deposit roundish eggs into a soft, mud-like substrate (Cordulegaster, analogous structures also in other Libelluloidea), (c) ovipositor reduced to vaginal valves or completely reduced; often with analogous transformations of the stemites for throwing or stripping off of roundish eggs (mostly one by one, rarely in batches) and for fixation during copulation (Le. species specific). – (2) Criteria based on functional ethology. Degree of protection provided by the last copulation partner to the ovipositing 9 from approaches of other dd: (a) solitary oviposition (hidden or after period of main activity of dd), (b) with watching d (outside territory, or in d territory), (c) opposition in tandem under guidance of d (in sitting position or in flight). – (3) Criteria based on ecology. Horizontal and vertical differentiation of the opposition site (in the case of opposition in flight, of the site where the majority of eggs land) within the biotope. – This tentative classification is strictly functional (based on analogies) and does not pretend to have any implications concerning the evolution of ovipositing behaPour. The latter should be analyzed by using entirely different principles, based on homologies.
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Odonatologica | |
CC BY-SA 4.0 NL ("Naamsvermelding-GelijkDelen") | |
Organisation | Societas Internationalis Odonatologica |
Eberhard Schmidt. (1975). Zur Klassifikation des Eiablageverhaltens der Odonaten. Odonatologica, 4(3), 177–183. |