The original descriptions of Aeschna charpentieri Kolenati, 1846 and Cordulegaster insignis Schneider, 1845 are analysed. It is found that both refer to the same species and that, therefore, the former name is a junior synonym of the latter. Later, the name C. charpentieri was applied erroneously to a taxon that should correctly be named C. pictus Selys, 1854. L. de Selys I.ongchamps himself was largely responsible for this nomenclatorial confusion, wanting to preserve as many names as possible. An examination of the Cordulegaster-fauna of the type locality area of A. charpentieri shows that the local form of C. insignis, C.i. lagodechicus Barteneff, 1930, is subspecifically distinct from C.i. insignis. This subspecies seems to extend from the Caucasus along the Pontic Alps to the Bulgarian and Roumanian Black Sea coasts. It is the same insect as C.i. montandoni St. Quentin, 1971. The cotrect name for this taxon is C. insignis charpentieri (Kolenati, 1846).


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Societas Internationalis Odonatologica

H.J. Dumont. (1976). Aeschna charpentieri Kolenati, 1846, a synonym of Cordulegaster insignis Schneider, 1845, and on the correct status of Cordulegaster charpentieri auctorum (Anisoptera: Cordulegasteridae). Odonatologica, 5(4), 313–321.