(1750) BEATTY, A.F. & G.H. BEATTY, 1971. The distribution of Pennsylvania Odonata. Pa Acad. Sei. Proc. 45: 147-167. – (P.O. Box 281, State College. Pa 16801, USA). Known distribution of each of the 169 spp. currently listed for this state, USA, was mapped, using counties as distribution units. The entire recorded continental North American distribution of these spp. was also mapped. From these data a faunal analysis of the Pennsylvania Odonata was made, showing that the fauna is a strongly northeastern one, with only 25% of the species showing transcontinental distribution patterns and only 15% having essentially southern ranges. (Authors). (Cf. also OA No. 1751). (1751) BEATTY, G.H. & A.F. BEATTY, 1971. The Odonata of Pennsylvania: list and cross-references to literature containing data on occurrence in the state. Pa Acad. Sei. Proc. 45: 111-120. – {P.O. Box 281, State College, Pa 16801, USA). 169 odon. spp. comprising the Pennsylvania, USA, fauna, recognized by the writers are tabulated with reference numbers to literature containing data on specific occurrences in Pennsylvania, from 1839 to 1971. References to 104 publications are given, with cross-references to all spp. cited in each occurring in Pennsylvania. This serves as an index to pertinent literature as well as a current check list of Pennsylvania Odonata. (Authors). (Cf. also OA No. 1750).