A short biography and appreciation of work of E.J. KORMONDY are followed by his odonatological bibliography (1955-1969). Most of his dragonfly work is devoted to the fauna of the New World. Of particular importance are his contributions on the systeraatics of Tetragoneuria, and on odonate territoriality, dispersal, and seasonal dynamics. Bom in Beacon, New York (June 10, 1926), EDWARD J. KORMONDY gravitated to little Tusculum College in Tennessee for his undergraduate education. He majored in biology and earned his B.S. degree in 1950. His research activities in the biology of the Odonata began while he was still an undergraduate student and he continued to study the group for a number of years. From Tusculum he went immediately to the University of Michigan where he earned the M.S. degree in 1951. At the University of Michigan he served as Teaching Fellow in Zoology from 1952 to 1955, and, 1955-195 7, and Curator of Insects, University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, 1956-1957. In 1957 he joined the faculty of Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio, as Assistant Professor of Zoology. He continued his research on the Odonata with the earlier emphasis on distributional, faunistic, taxonomic, and systematic studies gradually shifting toward the ecology and behavior of the group. Territoriality, swarming and local movement, seasonal regulation and population dynamics were the subjects of his later studies and publications on this group of organisms.