The male germ cell complements are for the first time described of the following species: Argia fumipennis (Burm.) (n = 14), Ischnura ramburi (Sel.) (2n = 27, n = 14; m), Lestes vigilax Hag. (n = 10), Calopteryx dimidiata Burm. (n = 13; m), Aphylla williamsoni Gloyd (2n = 25, n = 12; m), Gomphus townesi Gloyd (2n = 23, n = 12; neo-XY), Celithemis amanda (Hag.) (n = 13; m). C. ornata (Ramb.) (n = 13;m), Erythrodiplax connate minuscula (Ramb.) (n = 13; m), Libellula auripennis Burm. (n = 13; m), and Perithemis tenera (Say) (2n = 25, n = 13; m). Also included is a note on Pachydiplax longipennis (Burm.). The karyotype of the Florida material of this species is characterized by the presence of a minute m-pair, as had been recorded in 3 Californian populations, but unlike the material from West Virginia, in which the m-elements (bivalent) are (is) lacking (cf. R.W. CRUDEN, 1968. Can. J. Genet. Cytol. 10: 200-214).