P. lineatipes has the broad hindwing of glider anisopterans but the behavior of both fliers and perchers. The habitat is typically small rocky hill streams in brushlands and forest up to 2000 m elevation. Feeding flights are more sustained in females than in males. Males are on territory in the morning when they perch on rocks in gentle rapids, occasionally making a patrol flight covering up to 15 m of the stream. Copulation occurs in flight and the female oviposits alone. The larvae live between rocks in moving water. Transformation occurs at night and the adults fly as soon as they are able. A one day sample of 188 exuviae contained 70.7% females. Dorsal abdominal spines were present in 100% of the exuviae on segment 6, 97.9% on 7, 0.5% on 8, and in none on 9.