The male germ cell chromosome complements are described and illustrated of the following spp. from the states of Acre and Sao Paulo. 19 of which (asterisked) have not been previously examined cytologically: Coenagrionidae: Acanthagrion gracile minarum Sel.* (n = 14), Enallagma cheliferum (Sel.)* (n = 14, nr, the first known case of the occurrence of m in an n = 14 Enallagma complement), Oxyagrion terminale Sel.* (n = 14), Telebasis carmesina Sel.* (n = 14); — Hetaerinidae: Hetaerina rosea Sel, (from Rio Claron= 13; from Pirassununga n = 14, m); — Gomphidae: Aphylla theodorina (Nav.)* (n = 12, m); — Aeshnidae; Coryphaeschna l. luteipennis (Burm.)* (n = 13, m), Gynacantha interioris Wilms.* (2nd = 26, n = 13, m, neo-XY); — Libellulidae: Brachymesia furcata (Hag.)* (n = 13, m), Dythemis cannacrioides Calv. (n = 11), D. multipunctata Kirby* (n = 13, m), Erythrodiplax attenuata (Kirby)* (n = 13, ml), E. b. basalis (Kirby) (n = 13, m; no min Bolivian material recorded by GUMMING, 1964, PhD Thesis, Univ. Texas, No. 64-11,789), E. connata fusca (Ramb.)(n= 13,m; nomin Bolivian and Guatemalan populations recorded resp. by GUMMING, 1964, cf. above, and GRUDEN, 1968, Can, J. Genet. Cytol. 10: 200-214), E. latimaculata Ris* (n = 13, m), E. media Borror (2nd = 22, n = 11, m, XO), E. umbrata ( 1—) <n = 13, ni). Lepthemis vesiculosa (Fabr.) (n = 13), Miathyria marcella (Sel.) (n = 13, ni). Micrathyria artemis Ris* (n = 13, m), M. hesperis Ris* (n = 13, m), Oligoclada monosticha Borror* (n = 12, m), Orthemis cultriformis Calv. (n = 12, m), O. ferruginea (Fabr.) (n = 12, m), Pantala flavescens (Fahr.) (n = 13, w). Perithemis lais (Perty) (n = 9, XO), P. mooma Kirby (n= 13, m), Tholymis citrina Hag.*(n = 13, m), Tramea binotata (Ramb.)* (n = 13, m), Uracis imbuta (Burm.)* (n = 13, m), U. ovipositrix Calv. * (n = 13, m). Zenithoptera lanei Santos* (n = 13, m).