Melanesobasis gen. nov. is created for 3 described spp. of Nesobasis and 4 new spp„ which are described and illustrated here. The genotype is M. corniculata (Till.), which is widespread in the Fijian Islands (Viti Levu, Vanua Levu, Kadavu, Koro, Ovalau, Taveuni, and Rabi); additional spp. are flavilabris (Set.) (Viti levu), simmondsi (Till.) (Viti Levu, Kadavu), and the new spp. maculosa sp. n. (Viti Levu), mcleani sp. n. (Viti Levu), prolixa sp. n. (Moala), and bicellulare sp. n. (Maewo, Vanuatu), The northern population (Vanua Levu, Rabi, Taveuni, and Koro) of M. corniculala is recognized on coloration and structural grounds as a distinct ssp. marginata ssp. n. — The genus is related to Nesohasis. but is distinguished by its relatively large inferior appendages in the male, the dark color of the images, and the labial palp of the larva lacking in setae. Other characters for distinguishing the two genera are denser venation, longer legs and leg spines, and a recumbent hind lobe of the pronotum. The undulant wing margin suggests a relationship with the Platycnemididae, with the Solomon Islands genus Lieftinckia being a possible annectant. This relationship appears to confuse the relationship between the Coenagrionidae and the Platycnemididae and suggests that the former may be polyphyletic.


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Societas Internationalis Odonatologica

T.W. Donnelly. (1984). Melanesobasis gen. nov., a new genus of Fijian damselflies: a possible link between the platycnemidid Lieftinckia and certain coenagrionids (Zygoptera). Odonatologica, 13(1), 89–105.