The organization of the repeated and single-copy DNA sequences in the genomes of 2 odon. spp. from different suborders was studied. Three types of experiments were performed, viz. (1) comparison of the reassociation kinetics of short (200 nucleotides) and long (700-900 nucleotides) DNA fragments, (2) measurement of the hyperchromicity of the reassociated repeated sequences as a function of fragment length, and (3) sizing S, nuclease-resistant reassociated repeated sequences. The data indicate that in the genomes of dragonflies only a part of repeats are interspersed with single-copy sequences in a " Xenopus pattern" and that mostly they are organized in a ”Drosophila pattern". Consequently, one can hardly speak of a definite type of genome organization; it may differ depending on the genome size.


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Societas Internationalis Odonatologica

N.B. Petrov, V.V. Aljeshin, & A.S. Antonov. (1984). DNA sequence organization in two odonate species, Calopteryx splendens (Harris) and Aeshna coerulea (Ström) (Zygoptera: Calopterygidae; Anisoptera: Aeshnidae). Odonatologica, 13(2), 269–279.