(5877) KERDP1BULE, V., S. NICHARAT & S. SUCHARIT, 1979. Descriptions of odonate nymphs from Thailand. Slheast Asian J. trop. Med. public Health 10(4): 540-547. — (Fac. Trop. Med., Mahidol Univ. Bangkok, Thailand). The ultimate instars of Brachythemis contaminata, Crocothemis servilia and Pseudagrion microcephalum, and the penultimate instars of Copera marginipes and Prodasineura autumnalis are described and figured. Notes are also provided on the immature stages of not further identified Diplacodes and Ceriagrion spp. Of particular interest is a brief review of literature on Odon.-Trematoda relationship, with reference to the trematode vectors of human diseases in SE Asia.