G. chancae Bartenev, 1956 is shown a junior synonym of G. schmidti Asahina, 1956. Figs from the original descriptions of the 2 taxa are included. In 1956 1 described a new Gomphus species, taken in North Manchuria, as cited below; Gomphus schmidti ASAHINA, 1956 Komyu 24(3): 155-156, pi. 13 figs 1-7 (<J abd. pattern, acc. gen., app. caud.; $ thoracic & abd. pattern, occipital process, val. vulvae). "Holotype $: Fularki nr Tsitsihar(Lungkiang), West Manchuria, l-VII-1943; — Allotype the same locality & date; — Paratypes; 6 <5, 13 $, Fularki; 1 <J, I Ç, Harbin".