The new sp. is described and illustrated from 3 6 and 1 9, collected in the slates of Guerrero and Oaxaca (holotype.cJ. allotype 9, in cop., Oaxaca, km 56,7 rte 175, (between Valle Nacipnal-La Esperanza. alt. 580 m, 29-VH-1990; deposited at UNAM, Mexico). The new «p. is very closely related to P. peramans Calv. but differs from the latter by structural differences in the 6 abdominal appendages and in the 9 mesothoracic processes. The 2 spp. are restricted in their distribution (Mexico to Nicaragua) and seem to constitute a separate group within the Central American and Circum-Caribbean spp. of the genus. A key to the Mexican and northern Central American spp. is provided.