The flight of E. superstes was filmed in Japan with a high-speed camera, at up to 500 frames/s. The wingbeat frequency of flying individuals is 40-52 Hz. Always with the fore- and hindwings counterstroking, they can both hover and move in all directions and the forward flight is very rapid (up to 9 m.s1 measured). The flight parameters and the orientation of the long axis of the body with respect to flight direction and stroke direction were compared with those of Zygoptera and Anisoptera. E. superstes was found to be intermediate between the 2 suborders. With regard to maximal flight speed and flight manoeuvrability it is clearly inferior to modem Anisoptera. The observed direction of the wing stroke relative to the flight path raises aerodynamic questions. These are discussed along with other aspects of flight technique, functional morphology, ecology and phylogeny that bear on the occurrence of E. superstes as a relict sp.


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Societas Internationalis Odonatologica

G. Rüppell, & D. Hilfert. (1993). The flight of the relict dragonfly Epiophlebia superstes (Selys) in comparison with that of the modern Odonata (Anisozygoptera: Epiophlebiidae). Odonatologica, 22(3), 295–309.