From the Early Holocene pluvial period until the middle of the 19th century, the El Kala lakes and wetlands had conserved an assemblage of at least 8 afrotropical libellulid spp. Today, 1 of these is lost. 2 of the others have very small extant relict populations, of which that of U. edwardsi represents the type population of its sp. Both are under severe risk of extinction, and steps should be taken to safeguard their breeding sites. — Some morphological data on the type population of U. edwardsi are given. Its hindwing spot is larger and less variable than in the continuous range of the sp. S of the Sahara, and contrasts with that of U. e. hulae Dumont from the Jordan R. valley, where this spot is strongly reduced.


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Societas Internationalis Odonatologica

B. Samraoui, S. Benyacoub, S. Mecibah, & H.J. Dumont. (1993). Afrotropical libellulids in the lake district of El Kala, NE Algeria, with a rediscovery of Urothemis e. edwardsi (Selys) and Acisoma panorpoides ascalaphoides (Rambur) (Anisoptera: Libellulidae). Odonatologica, 22(3), 365–372.