
Toegang tot tijdschriften over de Nederlandse natuur

An overall review of the genus Telebasis, occurring from southern US to northern Argentina, is presented. Included are 37 spp„ 8 being newly described. Locations and depositions of holotypes are: abuna sp.n. (Brazil, Rondonia State, Abuna, 15-III-1992, UMMZ); brevis sp.n. (Ecuador, Pichincha Prov., Tinalandia, 6-X-1988, IORI); dunklei sp.n. (Peru, Loreto Dept, Iquitos, 30-VIII-1989, IORI); garrisuni sp.n. (Colombia, Magdalena Dept, El Banco, 25-1-1917, UMMZ); limoncocha sp.n. (Ecuador, Napo Prov., Limoncocha,4-Xl-1980, FSCA); racenisi sp.n. (Venezuela, Amazonas State, Ventuari, 19-III-I957, 1ZA); rubricauda sp.n. (Brazil, Rondonia State, Abuna, I4-III-I922, UMMZ); watsoni sp.n. (Peru, Huanuco Dept, Shapajilla, 11-V1I-1938, UMMZ). T. inalata is redescribed (neotype 2 and S pairing with it, IORI). Males of the 37 spp. are keyed, their characteristics and distributions are summarized in 2 tabs and appendage drawings are presented. Notes for females of some spp. are given.