(9929) VAJRASTH1RA, S. & S. YAMPUT, 1971. The life cycle of Prosthodendrium molenkampi, a human intestinal fluke in family Lecilhodendriidae in Thailand. SEast Asian J. Trap. Med. public HUH 2(4): 585- -586. – (Authors’ current address unknown; c/o Dept Helrainthol., Fac. Trap. Med., Mahidol Univ., Bangkok, Thailand). P. molenkampi was first discovered in humans in Indonesia (cf, LIE, K.J., 1951, Documenla need, indones. Morb. Imp. 3: 105) and was considered as an accidental infection. Its odon. associated life history was described in the paper listed in OA 1089. – In the present paper, the results of an investigation in the Pakplee distr, Nakomnayok, central Thailand, are reported. Metacercariae were found in the common rice field crab, Parathelphus dugasti, and in adult and larval “Celithemis” spp. Epidemiological case history studies carried out among the infected persons suggest the infection by eating either the raw crab mest, or the dragonfly larvae. – (For an excellent account on the subject cf. KOM1YA, Y., 1965, Metacercariae in Japan and adjacent territories, Pmgr. med. Parasitol. Jpn 2:1-328; Odon. pp. 225-234, with species-wise bibliographies).