On several occasions aggregations were seen hovering high among trees beside streams in Mexico. Intermittent arrival of nonspecific $ $ at some aggregations and their departure, sometimes in tandem, and the apparent absence of foraging within aggregations supports the inference that such aggregations are mating swarms. It remains to be discovered whether trees over which swarms form are potential oviposition sites for this sp., or are places in which both 3 3 and 9 9 overnight Flying aggregations of c5 3 in other spp. of Protoneuridae are described and discussed.


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Societas Internationalis Odonatologica

E. González-Soriano. (2001). An unusual male aggregation in the Odonata: an aerial mating swarm in Protoneura cara Calvert and notes on other Mexican Protoneuridae (Zygoptera). Odonatologica, 30(3), 335–340.