(15401) TEVESZ, 1978. Benthic recolonization patterns in the Vermilion river, Ohio. Kirtlandia 27:1-17. – (Formerly at Dept Geol.Sci., Cleveland St. Univ., USA; current address unknown). 2 recolonization studies were performed (9 July-13 Aug., 13 Aug.-6 Sept.) by planting invertebrate-free sedimentary “islands” in the river substratum and then collecting them at set intervals. The odon. were represented on the undisturbed sedimentary bottom by “Clithemis” [= Celithemis?] larvae, which invariably appeared on the islands by the 5th week in the first study and by the 24th day in the second study. Drift was likely an important source of organisms in the early stages of recolonization, but the taxonomic composition of the sedimentary islands was not entirely predicted by the total composition of the drift fauna.