(15761) SAIKI, M.K. &T.P. LOWE, 1987. Selenium in aquatic organisms from subsurface agricultural drainage water, San Joaquin Valley, California. Archs emir. Contam. Toxicol. 16: 657-670. — (US Fish & Wildl. Serv., Natn. Fisheries Contaminant Res. Cent., Field Res, Stn, 6924 Tremont Rd, Dixon, CA 95620, USA). Concentrations of total selenium were investigated in plant and animal samples from Kesterson Reservoir, receiving agricultural drainage water (Merced Co.) and, as a reference, from the Volta Wildlife Area, ca 10 km S of Kesterson, which has high quality irrigation water. Overall, selenium concentrations in samples from Kesterson averaged about 100-fold higher than those from Volta. Thus, in May and Aug. 1983, the concentrations (pg/g dry weight) at Kesterson in larval Zygoptera had a range of 160- 220 and in Anisoptera 50-160. In Volta, these values were 1.2-2.I and 1.1-2.5, respectively. In comparison, A.K. Furr et al. (1979, N. Y. Fish Game J. 26: 154-161) reported the selenum content of Plathemis lydia larvae from a control pond as 1.5 pg/g, while in the specimens from a nearby pond, contaminated by coal fly ash, it was 4.1 pg/g.