The ultimate instar larvae or exuviae of the following spp. and sspp. are described and illustrated: Hetaerina medinai Racenis, Euthore f. fasciata (Flagen), E. f. plagiata Selys, E. f. fastigiata (Selys), Microstigma rotundatum Selys, Palaemnema clementia Selys, Epipleoneura metallica Racenis, Neoneura fulvicollis Selys, Acanthagrion imeriense De Marmels, A. vidua Selys, Argia adamsi Calvert, Cyanallagma laterale (Selys), and C. tamaense De Marmels. A key to the known larvae of Polythoridae found in Venezuela is included. The larva of each sp./ssp. is diagnosed against similar larvae of other taxa, and notes on the larval habitat are added.