(17085) BAYANOV, N.G. & E.A. FROLOVA, 2001. Fauna gidrobiontov Kerzhenskogo zapovednika. — [Aquatic fauna of the Kerzhenskiy Nature Reserve]. Trudy gosud. prir. Zap. "Kerzhenskiy" I: 251-286. (Russ.). – (Authors’postal addresses not stated). The Reserve is located in the province of Nizhniy Novgorod (Russia). Larvae of 19 odon. spp. were recorded. Of these, 16 spp. are listed, the remaining 3 spp. are probably referable to Leucorrhinia, the representatives of which are said to be common in the Reserve. – See also OA 17089. (17086) DE PAUW, N. & S. HEYLEN, 2001. Biotic index for sediment quality assessment of watercourses in Flanders, Belgium. Aquat. Ecol. 35; 121-133. – (Lab. Envir. Toxicol. & Aquat. Ecol., Dept Appl. Ecol. & Envir. Biol., Univ. Ghent, Plateaustraat 22, B-9000 Gent). The refinement of the Biotic Sediment Index (BSI) is described, based on the analysis of a data set of benthic macroinvertebrates from 440 sampling sites, located all over Flanders. The odon. were represented by Calopteryx, Ceriagrion (cf), Coenagrion, Gomphus, Ischnura, Nehalennia (cf), Orthetrum and Platycnemis.