The nearctic affinities of 4 palaearctic spp. are pointed out and the following generic affiliations are suggested: Tarnetrum fonscolombii (for Libellula Fonscolombii Sélys, 1840), Platetrum depressum (for Libellula depressa Linnaeus, 1758), Ladona (Eurothemis) fulva (for Libellula fulva Müller, 1764) (all Libellulidae), and Stylurus flavipes (for Aeschna flavipes Charpentier, 1825) (Gomphidae). Consequently, Libellula quadrimaculata L. 1758 is the type species of Libellula Linnaeus, 1758 (fixation by Latreille, 1810), and Plathemis Hagen, 1861 becomes the nearctic subgenus of Plathetrum Newman, 1833 (type species: Libellula depressa L., 1758).