The dragonflies of Nagano Prefecture, by Nagao Koyama
Notulae odonatologicae , Volume 1 - Issue 2 p. 31- 31
(Supervisor), Shigeo EDA [Chief Editor], Takashi ANDO, Shohei FUJISAWA, Fumio ITO, Minoru KURATA, Den KURIBAYASHI, Wataru MIYATA, Imato SONEHARA & Tatsuo TAKIZAWA. 11+196 pp., 4 col. pis., 44 maps incl. Shinano Kyoiku-Kai Shuppanbu, Nagano (1098 Asahimachi, Nagano, Nagano 380, Japan), June 15, 1977. (In Japanese, with English translation of the title). – Price: Y 1800.-. In 1955 Dr. S. Asahina published a booklet, ”Shinano Serei-Shi”, and listed 75 dragonfly species of this area. This stimulated the study of this group of insects in each district of the Nagano Prefecture. In 1972, along with the publication of ’’The butterflies of Nagano Prefecture”, a similar faunal book, " The Odomta of Nagano Prefecture”, was proposed to the members of the Entomological Society of Shinshu, Nagano Prefecture, and a number of editorial members were nominated. This project was much accelerated, as a 25 years memorial issue of the said Society, by the joining of Dr. S. Eda, who came to Matsumoto Dental College in 1974.
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Notulae odonatologicae | |
CC BY-SA 4.0 NL ("Naamsvermelding-GelijkDelen") | |
Organisation | Societas Internationalis Odonatologica |
S. Asahina. (1978). The dragonflies of Nagano Prefecture, by Nagao Koyama. Notulae odonatologicae, 1(2), 31–31. |