On June 17, 1967 I collected a male specimen pertaining to this species along the Black River, Eddy Co., New Mexico. The locality is along New Mexico State Route No. 396, approximately 13 km (8 mi) W of Malaga (S of Carlsbad), latitude 31011' N. longitude 104°15' W. approximate elevation 915 m (30000. The dragonfly was collected near dusk as it hunted over a road about 100 m south of the Black River. The sky was cloudy. Earlier in the afternoon the weather was dominated by high winds and heavy rains. C.F.BYERS (1937, Mise. Punis Mus. Zool. Unir. Mich. 36: 1-36) reported N. xanthosoma (as Platycordulia) from Oklahoma and Kansas. J.G. NEEDHAM & M.J. WESTFALL, Jr. (1955, A manual of the dragonflies of North America (Anisuptera), including the Greater Antilles and the provinces of the Mexican border. Univ. California Press, Berkeley & Los Angeles) added Texas to the distribution of the species. Recently C.E. WILLIAMS (1976. Great Lakes Em. 9: 63-73). in an excellent biological account of the species, reported it from several localities near Waco, Me. Lennan Co., Texas. In a recent letter Williams stated (Aug. 18. 1977) that he has since collected one specimen in San Saba Co., Texas. This is approximately 130 km (80 mi) W of Waco.