The karyotype of Libellula fulva Müll. from Switzerland (Anisoptera: Libellulidae)
Notulae odonatologicae , Volume 1 - Issue 4 p. 73- 74
It is probably due to its very local occurrence and brief adult life that this is the only Central European libelluline species the chromosomes of which have not yet become known. Thanks to Miss Irene E. Siegenthaler, Thun, Switzerland. we have been able to collect, June 30, 1979, a number of mature males in the Nature Reserve Schmittmoos (on the Walenbach stream), Waffenplatz, Thun, canton Berne (alt. 628 m). Four dissected specimens yielded 60 slides, all showing considerable mitotic activity, inspite of the advanced age of the insects. Although the complement is of a characteristic libelluline type(2n d = 25, n <J = 13, m, X second smallest of the set a metaphase 1; cf. Figs. 1-2), for the above reasons it is considered worthwhile bringing it here on record. L. fulva is a relic of the Eurasian preglacial fauna, hence it has no close relatives either in the Old or in New World. As far as the morphology of the penis is concerned, it is remarkable specialized, and so is L. depressa L.. which appears to be a European offshoot from the ancient Plathemis stock. According to C.H. KENNEDY (1922, Em. News 22; 65- 71, 105-1II, pi. 4), to whom we owe the above statement, fulva and depressa are the most different ("specialized away”) from the primitive L. semifasciata Burm. penis of any true libellulas. The same is true of L. quadrimaculata L., the nearest relative of which appears L. angelina Sel. of Japan.
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Notulae odonatologicae | |
CC BY-SA 4.0 NL ("Naamsvermelding-GelijkDelen") | |
Organisation | Societas Internationalis Odonatologica |
H. Lohmann. (1979). The karyotype of Libellula fulva Müll. from Switzerland (Anisoptera: Libellulidae). Notulae odonatologicae, 1(4), 73–74. |