A re-analysis of the Dutch dragonfly fauna was started in 1977, as a contribution to the European Invertebrate Survey (E.I.S.) (cf. J. VAN TOE, 1978, Jaarh. ned. eni. Ver. 1976- 1978: 64-66; — J. VAN TOL & P.J. VAN HELSDINGEN. 1979, Vakhl. Biol. 59; 2-7). Specimens of the local taxa present in collections of the Dutch musea were included. In all. some 9000 specimens were recorded from 313 localities, along with dates of capture, names of collectors and ecological notes, if any. The number of species recorded from the Netherlands amounts to 68. Of these, about 10 are not found in recent times, which reduces the present day dragonfly fauna of the country to about 58 species.