Tramea calverti Muttkowski in northern Argentina (Anisoptera: Libellulidae)
Notulae odonatologicae , Volume 1 - Issue 10 p. 166- 167
In a recent revision of the Tramea cophysa group, J. DE MARMELS & J. RÁCEN1S (1982. Odonatohgica Il: 109-128) listed no records of T. calverti from Argentina. 1 listed this species from that country in a more general work (D. PAULSON, 1977, m.S.H. Hurlbert, Ed.. Biota acualica de Sudamerica austral, pp 170-184. San Diego St.Univ.Jand would like to place on record the actual specimens forming the source of that citation to augment the known distribution of the species. With so many rare and seldom reported species of Odonata, I feel that it is important to have a really good understanding of the distribution of at least the better-known species. Both specimens were collected in Catamarca, Argentina, and are in my collection — a female from Andalgala on 9 December 1971 and a male from 15km W Andalgala on 18 December 1971. Both individuals were collected by John C. Schultz in open Larrea desert away from water. Catamarca, in the dry northwestern part of Argentina, may represent thesouthwestemmost edge of the distribution of T. calverti, although it is to the north of the southernmost Brazilian localities listed by DE MARMELS & RACE-N1S (1982; cf. above).
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Notulae odonatologicae | |
CC BY-SA 4.0 NL ("Naamsvermelding-GelijkDelen") | |
Organisation | Societas Internationalis Odonatologica |
D.R. Paulson. (1982). Tramea calverti Muttkowski in northern Argentina (Anisoptera: Libellulidae). Notulae odonatologicae, 1(10), 166–167. |