The Eurosiberian S. arctica is extensively distributed throughout the palaearctic Eurasia, from Kamtchatka and northern Siberia to central and western Europe (cf. B. K1AUTA, Enl. Ber.. Amst. 24: 235-238). Nevertheless, its density is often low. In France, this species is known from the VosgesfL. DÖDERLEIN, Naiurgeschichlliche Bilder aus Elsass-Lolhringen Die Thierwelt von Elsass-Lolhringen, pp. 11-22. Philomatische Gesell.. Strasbourg; J. BARRA, 1963, Bull. Soc. zool. Fr. 88(1): I08-I24(doubtful records, cf. K. ANDER, 1950, Opusc. enl. 15: 53-71); H. LOHMANN, 1981. Notul. odonalol. 1(7): I23;J.-P. BOUDOTetal., 1985, Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Moselle 44: 217-228), the Jura (H.-J. DUMONT, 1969, Bull. Annls Soc. r. ent. Belg. 105. 261-263; F. BOILLOT, 1977, Annls scienl. Univ. Besanyon (Ill) 14; 39-40), and the northern Alps (Savoie and Dauphiné) (C. DEGRANGE & M.-D. SEASSAU. 1970, 1974. Trav. Lab. Hydrobiol. Grenoble 61: 89- -106 and 64/65: 289-308). More recently, it was reported from the Ardennes (G. COPPA & A. GRAFTEAUX, 1985. Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Ardennes 75: 30-32) and from many parts of the Massif Central (A.-J. FRANCHZ & E. K.REIJCI, 1983, Cab. Naluralisies, Paris (N.S.) 39: 13-14; J.-L. DOMMANGET, 1984, Bull. Soc. versaillaise Sci. nat. 11(2): 40-46, and Notul. odonatol. 2(3): 46-48; D. BRUGIERE. 1984. Le Grand Due 24: 35; A.-J. FRANGEZ, 1985, Entomologiste 41(3): 101-111; BRUMMES et al., 1986, Revue Sci. nat. Auvergne 52: 10-14). Until now, its western limit was the locality reported by Dommanget near Limoges, the southern limit being the one reported by Brugière from Lozère. Surprisingly, we found -V. arciica in the Southern Alps and eastern Pyrenees. On August 21 st 1985, we noticed a male and a female in copula, plus four males patrolling, over a large flooded Sphagnum peat-bog in the department of Alpes-de-Haute-Provence (alt. 2010 m). Other Odonata observed were Libellula quadrimaculata L., Aeshna juncea (L.) and Sympetrum flaveolum (L.). On July 15th and 17th 1986, we observed the same species in two localities of the eastern Pyrenees. The first one (alt. 1380 m), in the department of Aude, a hanging Sphagnum bog with Narthecium ossifragum (L.) and Molinia coerulea (L.) Moench. Small water pockets accumulating between Molinia clumps constituted places where three males patrolled and one female oviposited. Other Odonata were Orthetrum coerulescens (Fabr.), Libellula depressa L., Pyrrhosoma nymphula (Sulz.); Cordulegaster b. boltoni (Don.) was observed along small rivulets. The other site, in the department of Ariege (alt. 1515 m), is an old peat-bog with Calluna vulgaris (Salisb.) heath, and several small water bodies, with Comarum palustre (L.) and Menyanthes trifoliata (L.). Two or three males and an ovipositing female were observed patrolling over these water points, with a single male of Pyrrhosoma nymphula and another of Enallagma cyathigerum (Charp.). These localities now constitute the southern limit of the area inhabited by Somatochlora arctica in western Europe. We cannot speculate on the established nature of this species in the southern Alps and Pyrenees, since the localities are difficult of access or unconspicuous, and probably unvisited.

Notulae odonatologicae

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Societas Internationalis Odonatologica

J.-P. Boudot, P. Goutet, & G. Jacquemin. (1987). Somatochlora arctica (Zett.) new for the French Pyrenees and for the Southern French Alps, with further records of some rare Odonata in France. Notulae odonatologicae, 2(9), 150–152.