During a holiday in South Africa in December 1988 and January 1989 a number of localities in the Transvaal and Natal were visited. This note describes four specific sites where Odonata were observed over periods of several days and then lists the anisopteran species identified together with an indication of numbers seen and a few behavioural notes. (A) Umhlanga Rocks Settling Ponds, Natal; 26 Dec. 1988-5 Jan. 1989 — Umhlanga is a coastal town 20 km N of Durban and its sewage installation, consisting of four ponds, is situated in a river valley some 4 km to the NW. The ponds discharge into the river which, in turn, runs into the Umhlanga Lagoon. There are extensive cane fields on three sides and an area of forest to the East. — The largest of the ponds receives the sewage works discharge and is mostly devoid of either marginal or floating vegetation; very few Odonata were seen on this. Two of the smaller ponds are well endowed with water-lilies and they and the fourth pond have good marginal vegetation. The ponds are surrounded by grass which is regularly mown. (B) Casa do Sol Hotel. Hazyview, eastern Transvaal; 11-15 Jan. 1989 – The Hotel is situated on the southern slopes of the Sabie River valley, some 4 km W of Hazyview. The grounds are extensive, occupying a wide basin running up to the top of the crest and consisting mainly of bushveld, with a few more thickly wooded areas following the valleys. A sizeable dam has been built in the lower part of the basin which is fed by two streams; the overflow runs down a small gorge to a second, smaller dam. Paths have been opened up for walking and riding; these are kept mown and provide good haw king and resting areas for Odonafa. The main dam is largely surrounded by reed beds and partially covered with water-lilies.