The Post-Symposium Tour held in conjunction with the Xth International Symposium of Odonatology at Johnson City, Tennessee, U.S.A., Aug. 6-11, 1989, was a two-day trip to Great Smoky Mountains National Park and surrounding areas. The 41 participants left Johnson City on Aug. 12, stopping first at the Nolichucky River, Hwy 321, in Greene County, Tennessee. Thirteen species were collected [c=common, u=uncommon, e=exuviae only]: Calopteryx maculata (c), Hetaerina americana (c), Argia apicalis (c), A. moesta (c), A. sedula (c), A. translata (u), Enallagma exsulans (c), Ischnura posita (u), Dromogomphus spinosus (u); Erpetogomphus designatus (u), Stylurus spiniceps (e), Macromia illinoiensis (u), Plathemis lydia (u). The single Macromia male had the typical color pattern of illinoiensis (auricle black, no yellow antehumeral stripe, very little yellow on abdomen), yet the hamule tip was elongate and slender as in georgina. This specimen is similar to others I have collected at numerous localities across the central U.S.. and the question remains whether they are from a hybrid zone where the ranges of georgina and illinoiensis overlap, or whether georgina and illinoiensis are the southern and northern forms of a single variable species. The second stop this day was at the Pigeon River, Hwy 215 bridge south of Canton. Haywood County, North Carolina. The group collected 13 species: Calopteryx maculata (c), Argia apicalis (u), A. fumipennis violacea (u). A. moesta (c), A. translata (u), Enallagma exsulans (u), Ischnura posita (u), Boyeria vinosa (u), Stylurus spiniceps (e), Macromia illinoiensis (e), Neurocordulia yamaskanensis (e), Pantala flavescens (u), and Plathemis lydia (u).