In 1988 (Odonatologica 17:419-428) I published the description of a new genus Elasmothemis to receive the species cannacrioides Calvert, constricta Calvert, alcebiadesi Santos, schubani Santos, and williamsoni Ris, species that had been placed in the genus Dythemis. Later I was looking at the 1947 paper by F.C. FRASER entitled The Odonata of the Argentine Republic I (Acta zool. lilloana4:427-462). On page 457 he described Macrothemis willinki sp. nov. The venation was described in great detail. He wrote "Genitalia (text-fig. 4, a) closely similar to that of Dythemis williamsoni Ris, which species it resembles in general facies and colouring but not in venation”. He further stated. This new species, by its claw-hooks longer than the spine, forms a group with M. tesselata which has hitherto stood alone in this respect”. It was described from two pairs from "Puerto Bemberg, January 12-29, 1946, collected by H.W. & G.” The holotype and allotype were said to be in the collections of the Miguel Lillo Institute, Tucuman, Argentina. After comparing Fraser’s illustration of the genitalia with my illustrations of E. cannacrioides and E. williamsoni I was sure willinki was an Elasmothemis. Supposing that Fraser had kept the second pair, and knowing his collection had gone to the British Museum, I asked the curator, Stephen Brooks, to look for it. He kindly sent me the male. After seeing it I was convinced it was Elasmothemis constricta (Calvert). It matched specimens of constricta in the Florida State Collection of Arthropods from Argentina, Brazil, and Paraguay. I showed it to my co-worker, Sidney Dunkle, and he agreed.