October 11, 1989, at 3:30 p.m., a male S. striolatum, that was flying over the sea, briefly perched on board of the oceanographic ship "Minerva”, then it took flight again and was lost. The dragonfly appeared to be in good condition. The Loran ship’s position, a few minutes after spotting the dragonfly, was N 41°44.73', E 10°31.43’, which corresponds to 47.3 marine miles (= 87.6 km) from Corsica (Aleria, river Tavignano) and 34.5 (= 63.9 km) from the islet of Montecristo (Tuscan Archipelago). The weather conditions were clear, with almost no wind and rapidly increasing athmospheric pressure, after a storm of some days from southern quadrants. Since we spent most of the time on the deck both before and after spotting the dragonfly, but did not see it further, we consider unlikely that it hid on board either before or after appearing. Dragonflies, in particular aeshnids and libellulids, are well endowed for active dispersal, including migration (P.S. CORBET, 1980, A. Rev. Em. 25; 189-217). By its migration from Africa northwards (A. HEYMER, 1967, Annls Soc. enl. Fr. (N.S.) 3: 787-795), Hemianax ephippiger occasionally reaches places as far as Iceland (U. NORLING, 1967, Opusc. enlomol. 32: 1-2). Long migrations are also reported for various Sympetrum species e.g. A.E. GARDNER, 1955, Enl. Gaz. 6: 149; I. HIURA, 1976a, Nat. St. 22(8): 3-6; 1976b, ibidem 22(9): 2-4; J. LEMPERT, 1984, Libellula 3(3/4): 29- -34; C. LONGF1ELD, 1948, Ir. Nat. J. 9(6): 133-141; 1957, Entomologist 90: 44-50; S. M1ELEWCZYK, 1978, Nolul.odonalol. 1(2): 29; 1982, ibidem 1(10): 165-166; S. OBANA, 1969, Tombo 12: 17-23).