The island of Cres is the place of venue of the 3rd Odonatological Symposium of the Alps-Adriatic Regional Community (18-24 July 1998), therefore it is considered opportune to present here a preliminary checklist of its known odonate fauna. It is the objective, the list will be completed during the Symposium Field Trips and during the Post-Symposium Field Workshop, whereupon a full-fledged fauna will be published. The island of Cres (surface 404.33 km2) is a part of the Cres-Lo§inj Archipelago (514 km2, coastlines 482 km, length 85 km, width 30 km), situated between 14C17'-14S40’E and 44B78'-45S70’N. The latter is the largest archipelago in the Adriatic, consisting of a group of smaller, inhabited islands, a number of uninhabited islets, and of 28 rocks and reefs.