Vervolging van roofvogels in Nederland in 2013
De Takkeling , Volume 22 - Issue 1 p. 55- 59
Poisoning (N=13), shooting (N=9) and deliberate disturbances of nests (N=60) were recorded throughout The Netherlands (Table 1), of which 48% in the province of Friesland alone. Victims of poisoning were one male Red Kite Milvus milvus, a Goshawk Accipiter gentilis and 11 Buzzards Buteo buteo. A poisoned bait contained aldicarb. Nest disturbance is a widespread phenomenon, although its frequency was slightly lower in 2013 than in previous years. This decline is thought to relate to the overall poor breeding results in 2013 (food-based), which has obscured persecution (either fewer or less easily identified in the wake of natural nest desertions). Methods of nest disturbance were: deliberately keeping parents away from the nest (farming activities focused near nest sites, removing nests with extended sticks, cutting down trees near nest, and so on), destroying eggs, killing nestlings, shooting nests, shooting parents (at the nest, or away from the nest). Forestry activities also caused the disturbance of at least eight nests. Based on the recorded intensity of nest-related persecution (Table 2), the large sample of nest record cards (2886 in 2013, all species), the wide distribution of nest record cards across the country and recent population estimates of raptor species, it is calculated that a minimum of 464 raptor nests must have been destroyed in 2013, distributed among Buzzards (290), Marsh Harriers (51), Goshawks (41), Kestrels (48), Sparrowhawks (27), and Honey Buzzards (7). This is a minimum, as many nest failures remained unclarified, despite a high incidence of illegal persecution in the vicinity.
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De Takkeling | |
CC BY 3.0 NL ("Naamsvermelding") | |
Organisation | Werkgroep Roofvogels Nederland |
R.G. Bijlsma, & P.W. van Tulden. (2014). Vervolging van roofvogels in Nederland in 2013. De Takkeling, 22(1), 55–59. |