* BARKER, G.M. (ed.) (2004): Natural enemies of terrestrial molluscs. – Oxfordshire (CABI Publishing): X + 644 pp. [ISBN 0-85199-319-2], J.A. ALLEN: Avian and mammalian predators of terrestrial gastropods (1- 36); W.O.C. SYMONDSON: Coleoptera (Carabidae, Staphylinidae, Lampyridae, Drilidae and Silphidae) as predators of terrestrial gastropods (37-84); J.B. COUPLAND & G.M. BARKER: Diptera as predators and parasitoids of terrestrial gastropods, with empahsis on Phoridae, Calliphoridae, Sarcophagidae, Muscidae and Fanniidae (85-158); G.M. BARKER, L. KNUTSON, J.-C. VALA, J.B. COUPLAND & J.K. BARNES: Overview of the biology of marsh flies (Diptera: Sciomyzidae), with special reference to predators and parasitoids of terrestrial gastropods (159-226); L. WINSOR, P.M. JOHNS & G.M. BARKER: Terrestrial planarians (Platyhelminthes: Tricladida: Terricola) predaceous on terrestrial gastropods (227-278); G.M. BARKER & M.G. EFFORD: Predatory gastropods as natural enemies of terrestrial gastropods and other invertebrates (279- 404); G.M. BARKER: Millipedes (Diplopoda) and Centipedes (Chilopoda) (Myriapoda) as predators of terrestrial gastropods (405-426); I.L. LAPORTA-FERREIRA & M. DA GRAÇA SALOMÃO: Reptilian predators of terrestrial gastropods (427-482); R.R. JACKSON & A. BARRION: Heteropteran predation on terrestrial gastropods (483- 496); S.D. POLLARD & R.R. JACKSON: Gastropod predation in spiders (Araneae) (497-504); A. FAIN: Mites (Ascari) parasitic and predaceous on terrestrial gastropods (505-524); S. MORAND, M.J. WILSON & D.M. GLEN: Nematodes (Nematoda) parasitic in terrestrial gastropods (525-558); J.G. VAN AS & L. BASSON: Ciliophoran (Ciliophora) parasites of terrestrial gastropods (559-578); B.J. SELMAN & A.A. JONES: Microsporidia (Microspora) parasitic in terrestrial gastropods (579-598); S.K. RAUT: Bacterial and non-microbial diseases in terrestrial gastropods (599-612). This book is aimed at both students and professionals concerned with conservation of molluscan communities in natural habitats and control of pestiferous species. It draws together the available information on the diversity of organisms that constitute the natural enemies of terrestrial molluscs. In a series of review chapters, it provides an authoritative synthesis of current knowledge and research on predators, parasites and pathogens. The book will be of significant interest to researchers in zoology, ecology and pest management. * CLARK, S.A., A.C. MILLER & W.F. PONDER (2003): Revision of the snail genus Austropyrgus (Gastropoda: Hydrobiidae). A morphostatic radiation of freshwater gastropods in southeastern Australia. – Records of the Australian Museum, Supplement 28: 1-109. Sydney. [ISBN 0-7347-2313-X].
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Spirula | |
CC BY-NC 4.0 NL ("Naamsvermelding-NietCommercieel") | |
Organisation | Nederlandse Malacologische Vereniging |
R.A. Bank. (2005). Nieuwe boeken. Spirula, 342(1), 31–31. |