
Toegang tot tijdschriften over de Nederlandse natuur

After decades absence, the summer months since 2002 have seen the reappearance of thousands of small hermit crabs ( Diogenes pugilator (Roux 1829) along the Dutch coast and especially on the beaches of the Frisian Isles (De Wolf & De Wolf 2002; Oosterbaan 2002). These crabs are massively engaged in mating behaviour. The crabs inhabit small snail shells, especially those of periwinkles and necklace shells, but dog-whelks are also often seen. Also rarer species such as turrit shell, wentletrap, netted dog-whelk and pelican’s foot have been observed. In the summer of 2004 the author visited the island of Terschelling. Particularly remarkable was the occurrence of Turiculate Lora, usually a rare find; but a few hours searching, spread over three days, produced 522 inhabited Turricate Lora shells!