
Toegang tot tijdschriften over de Nederlandse natuur

Several specimens of Rapana venosa were brought ashore in July 2005, and had been caught off the coast of Scheveningen, The Netherlands. These specimens appeared to be the first record of Rapana venosa in the Dutch waters. In the month of September another specimen was collected at the ”Rug van Michiel”, near the frontier of the economic zones of The Netherlands and The United Kingdom. The exact locality of the catch remains uncertain within a range of a few kilometres. A former “doubtful record” was published in 1992 of the first English specimen of Rapana venosa. The question remains if this is the second specimen for The Netherlands or for The United Kingdom. Rapana venosa has a steady population around Quiberon Bay, Bretagne, France, and probably extended its range from that location towards the Netherlands. If Rapana venosa reaches the more shallow areas of the Ooster- and Westerschelde estuaries and establishes a viable population, the possible economic impact could be enormous.


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Nederlandse Malacologische Vereniging

R.J. Vink, D.C. Nieweg & J.N.J. Post. (2005). Rapana venosa (Valenciennes, 1846) (Gastropoda: Muricidae: Rapaninae): een nieuwe invasieve soort voor Nederland (en Engeland?). Spirula, 347(1), 152–155.

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