Klein doublet mossel intact uit eidereend faeces
Spirula , Volume 357 - Issue 1 p. 104- 104
An intact articulated, about 1 cm long Mytilus edulis shell, with the animal still inside but dead, was collected from faeces of the eiderduck Somateria mollissima. Apparently it remained entirely protected between the larger Mytilus shells crushed by the eider. Hydrobia ulva was earlier collected intact and even alive from faeces of the shelduck, Tadorna tadorna (Cadée, 1988).
Aanvullende gegevens | |
Spirula | |
Organisatie | Nederlandse Malacologische Vereniging |
Gerhard C. Cadée. (2007). Klein doublet mossel intact uit eidereend faeces. Spirula, 357(1), 104–104. |